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Optimising material use

We are economical with our materials and are committed to a thorough maintenance, repair and life extension programme. After approximately 20 years of operation, all double-deck VIRM trains have been modernised, with 86% of the parts beiing refurbished and reinstalled in the train. 13% will be given a second life elsewhere. All together this means that we are reusing 99% of the materials and keeping 25 million kilos of valuable materials in circulation.

A huge quantity of plastic is used in the renovation of trains. To prevent this, NS employee Jeroen has come up with an excellent idea.

By 2028, we expect to dismantle and recycle 1000 trains, resulting in an expected 57.6 million kilograms of valuable raw materials. We will incorporate our experiences and the things we learn into the specifications for the purchase of the new trains that are continually coming in. This will help us to achieve our goal of trains that are 100% circular when it comes to sustainability.

A huge quantity of plastic is used in the renovation of trains. To prevent this, NS employee Jeroen has come up with an excellent idea.