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Taxi travel for business with the NS-Business Card
Did you know that you can also travel conveniently by taxi with the NS-Business Card? Arrive at your destination relaxed and well-rested. And you don’t have to save receipts anymore!
Order taxi via Mijn NS Zakelijk
Check all our door-to-door services
Reading duration: 1 minutes
  • Ideal for when your destination is a bit farther away from a public transport stop. 
  • Taxis from Transvision available throughout the Netherlands.
  • Book a taxi easily via Mijn NS Zakelijk or the NS app.
  • Order the taxi at least 30 minutes in advance.
  • Never have to pay in advance, because you can travel on account.
How does it work?
Order the taxi at least 30 minutes in advance. You can do this in 3 ways: in Mijn NS Zakelijk, in the NS app and by phone.
  • In Mijn NS Zakelijk you choose 'Book a taxi' under 'Booking door-to-door services'. Then follow the steps.
  • In the NS app, go to 'More' and then to 'Book a taxi'. There you choose to book an NS-Business Card taxi. Important here is that you are logged into the app and your NS-Business Card is linked. Read here how to link your card to the app.
  • Do you prefer telephone contact? Book your taxi by calling Transvision at +31(0) 10 303 56 00. Keep your NS-Business Card at the ready.
Keep in mind that the taxi will arrive within around 30 minutes if you book ‘as soon as possible’. Your taxi will wait at the agreed-upon location for five minutes. If you’d like to book a taxi trip between 01:00 and 07:00 in the morning, then you must book it at least 24 hours in advance.