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Moving forward together: how NS Zakelijk works for Wakker Dier
Mobility is a challenging issue for many organizations. On the one hand, you want to offer employees flexibility and convenience. But sustainability and cost savings also play an important role. Fortunately, NS Zakelijk helps you do just that! In the series 'Moving forward together' our mobility experts talk to their customers about their cooperation, challenges and wishes for the future. This time, Chantal van der Wees talks to Anne Hilhorst (director) and Suzanne Freeling (office & project manager) of the Wakker Dier Foundation.
Anne Wakker Dier
About Wakker Dier
The Wakker Dier Foundation is a 100% independent, non-subsidized organization that stands up for animals in the livestock industry. Their dream is an animal-worthy life for all animals in the livestock industry. Core values are stubborn, combative and persistent. The team in Amsterdam consists of around 30 people, each with their own expertise - from biology and communication to graphic design and legislation.
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Anne, what motivates you to work for this foundation?
“Wakker Dier is an animal welfare organization that stands up for the animals in intensive farming. I have been very concerned about this since childhood. Therefore, after studying Biology in Wageningen, it was very logical for me to choose change by taking action and putting pressure on the system. I have been making that my life's work for 13 years. I don't think people realize enough how big this industry is and how much money, lobbying and power is behind it. So it's really a very big dragon to fight. But somebody has to do it and we do it with love.”
Suzanne, do you have a similar drive?
“I didn't grow up with the animal love I feel now. I did for pets but not the way I feel now for all the animals we care about. Eight years ago I went vegan. Then I came to the Netherlands after a period abroad. I didn't really feel passion for my work in sales but at Wakker Dier I do. I don't fight for the animals directly but I do indirectly.”
What makes Wakker Dier's approach unique?
Anne: “What makes us unique is our focus on realistic, concrete steps. These are improvements such as a hallmark, better living conditions and a higher price for meat, leading to better care for animals. In addition, we include companies in this responsibility and deploy innovative campaigns to create awareness. This pragmatic approach, combined with guts and creativity, sets us apart.” Suzanne adds: “What also really stands out to me is that our people have an enormous amount of knowledge. What we do is not wet-finger work.”
How would you describe the work culture at Wakker Dier?
Anne: “The work culture at Wakker Dier is informal and open. Our team is small and consists of people who all share the same passion and values. This allows us to work together effectively and we trust each other. This creates a good, personal atmosphere and a strong bond between colleagues.” Suzanne adds that working at Wakker Dier is a breath of fresh air for her: “Everyone treats each other very respectfully in the workplace and everyone is welcome here. I really like that.”
We often hold companies accountable, which is why we think we should set a good example ourselves. We travel mainly by public transport and make extensive use of OV-fietsen.
Anne Wakker Dier
Anne Hilhorst, DirecteurWakker Dier
Suzanne Wakker Dier
How is your sustainable nature reflected in your operations and travel behavior?
Anne: “For us, sustainability and animal welfare are closely linked. We often hold companies accountable, which is why we think we should set a good example ourselves. This means that we try to work as sustainably as possible. For example, we don't give flowers as gifts, we work digitally as much as possible and we eat plant-based and organic food in the office. We travel mainly by public transport and make extensive use of public transport bicycles. There is no parking at the office and driving is discouraged; for example, car expenses are not reimbursed. Suzanne: “I actually always travel by public transport, both business and private. I even got rid of my own car. For the last bit, I often use the OV-fiets or walk if the weather is nice.”
What about hard-to-reach places?
Anne: “Sometimes we do indeed have to go to locations that are difficult to reach by public transport, such as farms. In those cases, we use OV-fietsen or Greenwheels. It also sometimes happens that we carpool if that is the only option. Structurally, we don't drive to the office by car, and employees who do receive neither a travel allowance nor a parking space. After all, we are in Amsterdam, so cycling or public transport are the best choices.”
Juniors sometimes had to advance as much as 400 euros in public transport expenses per month. And all those declarations every month was a lot of work for the administration. Now we have solved that with the NS-Business Card.
Suzanne Wakker Dier
Suzanne Freeling, Office & Project ManagerWakker Dier
Chantal van der Wees
How did the partnership with NS Zakelijk come about?
Suzanne: “It was actually my own idea, because I found advancing and declaring my travel expenses a real hassle. I had one public transport card that I used privately and for business. And then you have to figure out afterwards what was business, not convenient. So I thought, there must be an easier way. So we contacted NS Zakelijk.”
How was traveling before, before you used the NS-Business Card?
Anne: “Before, we used Traject op Maat subscriptions. I myself traveled back and forth from Utrecht to Amsterdam and had a Traject op Maat subscription for that stretch. We bought those cards annually, which was convenient and practical. Because of covid this changed, because since then everyone works on average two days a week in the office. Traject op Maat was therefore no longer the right solution for us.”
And how did you solve it afterwards?
Suzanne: “In the new situation everyone had to advance all travel expenses and declare them. Juniors sometimes had to advance up to 400 euros in public transport costs per month, which was seriously a lot of money. And all those declarations every month was a lot of work for the administration. So for both the employees and the organization, this was not a desirable situation. Now we have solved that with the NS-Business Card.”
Has anything changed in your travel behavior since then?
Anne: “The concrete difference I see is that people are using the OV-fiets more. Because everything is on one card, the threshold is lower. The OV-fiets is especially handy for work trips that are further from a station, for example.”
Within NS Zakelijk, I help (large) business SMEs become more sustainable by offering innovative mobility solutions
Chantal van der Wees
Chantal van der Wees, AccountmanagerNS Zakelijk
Contact Chantal
Do you have any wishes for the future in terms of transportation?
Suzanne: “Right now everything works well for us, especially since our office is within biking distance of several stations. One area for improvement would be to separate commuting and business travel more clearly on the NS-Business Card, so that we can see both trips on one card but on separate invoices. That would make it clearer and administratively easier."
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