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Street parking with the NS-app
Do you ever drive to a business destination in an area with paid parking? With your NS Business Card in your pocket, you no longer have to go to the parking meter. From now on it is possible to initiate a parking action via the NS-app.
The convenience of street parking
  • All charges appear on the monthly NS-Business Card invoice.
  • You can quickly start and stop parking in the NS-app.
How does street parking work?
You switch Street parking on and off in the NS-app. In the app, it is important that you are logged in with your business account and that your NS-Business Card is linked to your account in the app. Follow these steps to start street parking:
  • Go to the NS app. Make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.
  • Tap ‘Map’ at the bottom of your screen and choose your parking zone. This can be read from the parking meter near you.
  • If you haven't already done so, add your license plate.
  • Start parking.
You can stop parking at any time in the NS app.
Costs of street parking
The cost varies per parking zone. Choose a parking zone in the NS-app under ‘Nearby’ and you will see the cost per hour. In addition, you pay a € 0.25 transaction fee on parking. These are fixed costs you pay over every time you or your employee parks. All parking transactions appear on the monthly NS-Business Card invoice afterwards.
Frequently Asked Questions Street Parking
How do I know if I can park on the street with my NS-Business Card?
Do you work at an organization and want to know if you can park with your NS-Business Card? Check this as follows:
  1. Log into Mijn NS Zakelijk for cardholders and choose 'My NS-Business Card'.
  2. Check in 'Door-to-door services' whether parking on the street/in garage is on or off. Good to know: 'on' means you can park. You only pay when you actually park.
  3. If parking on the street/in garage is off, ask your employer to turn on this service in Mijn NS Zakelijk under 'Manage cards and cardholders'.
Go to Mijn NS Zakelijk for cardholders
Do you use NS Go?
Then you can add parking on street/in garage yourself.
I am a freelancer. Can I park on the street using the NS-app?
It is not possible for freelancers with a sole proprietorship to park on the street with your NS-Business Card. You can, however, park at P+R lots. Read more about parking at P+R lots.
Can I also park in garages using the NS-app?
Parking is now only available on the street; in time it will be possible in parking garages.
I parked on the street, but it says 'Unknown' as the title in the transaction summary in the NS app. What does this mean?
When you see “Unknown” as the title name for a transaction, this was a parking transaction. The description does show the location, date and time of your parking transaction. This allows you to verify that this is correct.
I forgot to stop street parking. Now what?
That's unfortunate, but can happen of course. Stop street parking in the NS-app. The parking fee will show up on your monthly NS-Business Card invoice.
Do you want a compensation arrangement? For this, contact the municipality where your car was parked.
As an employer, how can I make parking available to my employees?
You can do this in a few steps:
  1. Log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk for contact persons
  2. Go to 'Manage cards and cardholders'
  3. Choose 'Show results' and choose the card number
  4. Turn on 'Parking on the street/in garage' for each card number
Good to know: parking is currently only available on the street, but in the future it will also be available in parking garages.
Can't turn on parking in Mijn NS Zakelijk? Then this must first be included in the agreement. To do this, send an e-mail to your NS account manager or Sales Support at We will be happy to help you further.
Go to Mijn NS Zakelijk for contact persons
Do you use NS Go?
Then contact your NS Go contact person.
As an employer, how do I pay for my employees' parking costs?
You will find the costs of parking on your monthly NS-Business Card invoice. Further specifications such as date, parking time and location can be viewed in Mijn NS Zakelijk for contact persons under 'Invoice overview'.
Go to Mijn NS Zakelijk for contact persons
Can business and private parking be differentiated?
In NS Go, you can specify whether parking is business or private. If your organization does not use NS Go, it is not possible to show the difference.
Where do parking costs appear on the business invoice?
The parking costs can be found on the invoice under the heading 'Deur-tot-deurdiensten'. In Mijn NS Zakelijk for contact persons under 'Invoice overview' you can view specifications and the transaction overview. Here you can find the parking costs, parking time, parking zone and the license plate of the vehicle used to park.
Go to Mijn NS Zakelijk for contact persons