All charges appear on the monthly NS-Business Card invoice. You can quickly start and stop parking in the NS-app.
Go to the NS app. Make sure you have the latest version of the app installed. Tap ‘Map’ at the bottom of your screen and choose your parking zone. This can be read from the parking meter near you. If you haven't already done so, add your license plate. Start parking.
Log into Mijn NS Zakelijk for cardholders and choose 'My NS-Business Card'.Check in 'Door-to-door services' whether parking on the street/in garage is on or off. Good to know: 'on' means you can park. You only pay when you actually park. If parking on the street/in garage is off, ask your employer to turn on this service in Mijn NS Zakelijk under 'Manage cards and cardholders'.
Log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk for contact persons Go to 'Manage cards and cardholders' Choose 'Show results' and choose the card number Turn on 'Parking on the street/in garage' for each card number