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Webinar: Discover how NS Go can work for you
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Is your organizations smaller than 100 employees?
NS Go is currently only available to organizations with more than 100 employees. Is your organization smaller? Then find out how NS Zakelijk can work for you through a webinar on the NS-Business Card and business mobility.
Register for NS Zakelijk webinar
Do you want to know how NS Go can get your organization ahead in sustainable mobility? Do you want to see how this platform works and what benefits it offers? Register now for our webinar (in Dutch) and find out all about NS Go, the mobility platform for Dutch organizations.
NS Go - overview
With NS Go you:
  • Automate your mobility policies and policies on 1 platform
  • Save administration time and costs
  • Steer employees towards green and healthy choices
  • Give your employees flexibility
  • Automatically comply with the CO2 reporting obligation
Sign up and receive the invitation to the webinar in your mailbox.