What can you do online in Mijn NS Zakelijk?
Mijn NS Zakelijk is a personal business online environment in which you can easily manage your NS-Business Card. Cardholders can:
View their trip history and add notes & labels
Book door-to-door services.
Request a refund after a delay.
Correct a missed check-in and check-out.
Request a class change.
Manage your personal details.
Order an additional season ticket.
To find out more about how to use Mijn NS Zakelijk, download the guidance.
Mijn NS Zakelijk-account
If you have a personal NS-Business Card but can’t log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk, click here to retrieve your username and/or password.
If you have a department card, your organisation’s NS contact person will create an account for you. They’ll also send you a link to activate your own Mijn NS Zakelijk account. If you already have an active Mijn NS Zakelijk account, you’ll find both the department card and your personal NS-Business Card in the account.