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The role of mobility in being a good employer
Frans Slats has been lead of NS Zakelijk for over a year now, but has worked at NS for 17 years. In the October 10 HR podcast, Frans was interviewed about the latest trends and developments in mobility policy. The central question was how employers can develop and implement a good mobility policy so that they become even more attractive to their current and future employees. In 2 articles we take you through what was discussed during the podcast. This is part 1.
Frans Slats
HR Podcast
Technological and social developments are happening at lightning speed. This offers plenty of opportunities for innovations in many areas, including human resources management. How are organizations dealing with the changes? What role do HR leaders play and what drives them? In the HR Podcast you get insights into leadership and innovation in HR every two weeks. To inform and inspire you. So that you know what's going on and how you can deal with it.
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Frans, what role does mobility take when it comes to being a good employer?
We speak with employers every day who themselves clearly indicate that a good mobility policy is a way to be attractive to existing and new employees. And that can of course help you stand out in this tight labor market. Sustainability, reducing CO2 emissions, is becoming an increasingly important part of mobility policy. Employers are demanding sustainable transport solutions, but so are employees. So flexible and sustainable mobility certainly plays a big role in being a good employer.
“Employees want flexibility around mobility. They want to work from home at their convenience. They want to go to the office when it's convenient. And preferably with transportation that suits them best at that time.”
Vrouw checkt in met NS-Business Card
How can mobility contribute to a positive employee experience?
Employees want flexibility around mobility. They want to work from home at their convenience. They want to go to the office when it's convenient. And preferably with transportation that suits them best at that time. That is why we offer a wide range of mobility services. So not only train, bus, streetcar and metro but also shared scooters, cars and bikes. And we help employers to offer that in an accessible way. That makes them more attractive as an employer. Moreover, it will be very easy for employees to choose whether to work from home or from home.
You have 72,000 customers. What trends do you see in these organizations when it comes to mobility policy?
We see mainly that it is becoming more and more flexible. Working from home has become much more important for many employers, especially since corona. Employers also want to facilitate their staff in this regard, including with home working allowances. But at the same time, they also want to make it as administratively easy as possible. That really is an important trend you see in the mobility market. It's not just about the administration of the train ride but about the administration of all mobility and the allowances associated with it. We have invested a lot in simplifying the administration in recent years. This year we are helping over 100,000 employees to make their administration as simple as possible with as few actions as possible.
“Private travel via the NS Business Card is increasingly offered by employers. Nowadays, this is also possible from a tax perspective. This way, as an employer, you create an attractive fringe benefit. And you encourage your employees to make sustainable choices, also in their free time.”
Vrouw in trein
Are there other important trends?
More and more employees are asking for sustainable transportation. It used to be standard “give me a lease car.” I was with a big client of ours a while ago and they said that almost 2 out of 3 of their employees are asking for a mobility card instead of a car. So that's really changed. What I also see is that private travel via the NS Business Card is increasingly being offered by employers. This can also be done with tax incentives. This is a great fringe benefit for employers. And you encourage your employees to make sustainable choices, also in their free time.
Tax-friendly private travel. How does that work exactly?
We have just passed Budget Day. Previously, private travel was taxed. With the new regulations coming in from the government, that is no longer the case. So an employer is no longer required to pay payroll taxes on private travel as long as employees have also taken a business or commuting trip. So a big promotion of sustainable travel!
What does this mean for employers?
It can make employers even more attractive by offering private travel via the NS Business Card to their employees as well. Our mission is to make the Netherlands sustainably accessible to everyone. And if private travel by public transport and shared transport is encouraged by employers, this can only be welcomed. Moreover, it saves employers a great deal in administration because they no longer have to keep records of private and business use of the NS Business Card.
Want to know more about this tax change? Read this article
In Part 2, Frans explains how NS Zakelijk helps employers design and implement a flexible and sustainable mobility policy.
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