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Sustainable mobility: an essential step for any organization
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important within organizations, especially when it comes to mobility. With the pressure of new legislation and the desire to come across as an attractive employer, many organizations take another look at their transportation policies.
Woman with laptop in the train
Our contribution to sustainable mobility
We help you with:
  • Embedding public transport in mobility policies: By offering specific subscriptions and products, employees are encouraged to choose the train more often.
  • The NS Business Card: The NS Business Card as a mobility card makes sustainable travel easy and flexible. Employees always have the train, bus, streetcar and OV-fiets within reach. All travel appears afterwards on a monthly VAT invoice.
  • NS Go: Through the NS Go platform, employees have the freedom to put together a travel plan that suits them perfectly. By offering convenience and sustainable choices, you show good employment practice. It also saves you a lot of manual declarations and reimbursements. With NS Go you also automatically comply with current laws and regulations.
  • Customized cooperation: We support your organization's sustainable objectives and provide customized solutions.
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What does sustainable mobility mean?
Sustainable mobility is traveling in a way that is environmentally friendly and available to all. Now and in the future. The goal is to reduce our ecological footprint. To do this, we need to make conscious choices that are feasible for everyone. Think about traveling by public transportation, taking a bike or carpooling to the office, for example. In these ways, we reduce our emissions and contribute to a sustainable future.
Benefits of sustainable mobility for organizations
  • Environmental benefits: As an organization, you reduce CO2 emissions by choosing sustainable travel alternatives. Good for the environment, but also for the sustainable image of your organization. Want to know more about CO2 savings within business mobility? Read our white paper.
  • Cost savings: With a good mobility policy, you can save considerably on travel costs. On fuel, but also on maintenance costs of lease cars. This is because employees increasingly travel by train or bicycle.
  • Less traffic congestion: Sustainable mobility is the answer to the ever-increasing congestion on the road and in the cities. Examples of green transport alternatives are the train, shared scooters and OV bikes.
  • Inspiration for society: In addition to the sustainability benefits for the organization itself, it also offers the opportunity to become a forerunner in the transition to sustainable mobility. You can be an example for other organizations and it contributes to an environmentally conscious image.
Vrouw ingecheckt-op-station
Laws and regulations concerning sustainable mobility
Advantages plenty, but there are also regulations we must abide by. We need to make sure that we keep moving forward in terms of sustainability. To encourage organizations to make green choices, the Dutch government has introduced several laws and regulations. A few examples:
  • Paris Climate Agreement: Since the Netherlands signed the Paris Climate Agreement, we are fully committed to reducing CO2 emissions. Business mobility can play a very important role in this with sustainable solutions.
  • Schemes for sustainable transport: The Dutch government wants to help people buy and use electric vehicles. Among other things by providing tax benefits and subsidies. Examples include a reduced additional tax rate for business driving or subsidies for buying electric vehicles. Or offering more charging stations and opportunities for electric travel. Organizations can also receive subsidies for sustainable transportation, such as electric vans or bicycles for employees. This accelerates the transition to green transportation.
  • National Charging Infrastructure Agenda (NAL): The government wants to support the growth of electric transportation. This agenda encourages the expansion and improvement of charging stations in the Netherlands. The goal is to be able to charge everywhere in the Netherlands by 2030 at the latest. In an easy, reliable and affordable way.
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