Ask the contact person within your organization to add this subscription to your NS-Business Card. You cannot do this yourself as a cardholder. If you change from a Basic or Dal subscription to a Traject Vrij, Traject op Maat, Trein Vrij or OV Vrij subscription with an ICd Altijd Toeslagvrij subscription, you will receive a new NS-Business Card with passport photo. Do you already have a Traject Vrij, Traject op Maat, Trein Vrij or OV Vrij subscription? Then pick up the ICd Altijd Toeslagvrij subscription with your NS-Business Card from the NS card machine.
To buy a one-way Intercity direct Toeslag, simply hold your NS-Business Card against the card reader on the Supplement Pole. The supplement will be added to your card automatically. The Supplement Pole will automatically calculate the discount during off-peak hours. When you reach your destination, simply check out at an NS card reader or gate. You do not need to check out at the Supplement Pole. If you wish to make a return trip with the Intercity direct, simply repeat the steps described above. If you want to cancel the Intercity direct Toeslag, hold your card against the Supplement Pole card reader again within 30 seconds, and it will be removed from your card.