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Financial questions
On this page you will find answers to the most asked questions about invoicing and rates. What do you want to know?
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Hoe betaal ik voor de gemaakte reizen?
Van trein, bus, metro en tram tot OV-fiets, deelauto, deelscooter en P+R. Alle gemaakte reizen verschijnen maandelijks achteraf op de NS-Business Card factuur. Die factuur wordt door jouw werkgever betaald, of door jezelf als zzp'er. Heb je een trajectabonnement met Gesplitst Betalen, dan betaal je zelf voor kosten buiten het gekozen traject.
How can I claim a refund for delays?
We understand how irritating it is to experience a delay on your train journey in the Netherlands, so we offer a refund for delays of 30 minutes or more.
If you have traveled with your NS-Business Card, you can do so in Mijn NS Zakelijk. Choose 'Travel history' and then search for the journey in question. Once found, request a refund.
Can I buy a large number of single-use train tickets at once?
Yes, you can! Via the NS Ticket Desk you can buy between 200 and 20,000 train tickets at once. Useful if you're inviting people to an event, for example.
Discover how to order your tickets
Hoe betaal ik voor de gemaakte reizen?
Van trein, bus, metro en tram tot OV-fiets, deelauto, deelscooter en P+R. Alle gemaakte reizen verschijnen maandelijks achteraf op de NS-Business Card factuur. Die factuur wordt door jouw werkgever betaald, of door jezelf als zzp'er. Heb je een trajectabonnement met Gesplitst Betalen, dan betaal je zelf voor kosten buiten het gekozen traject.
Do I pay annually or monthly?
To find out whether you pay annually or monthly, sign into Mijn NS Zakelijk with your Contact Person credentials. After signing in, go to ‘Company details’. Here, you will find a ‘Subscription payment’ tab, which will show you whether you pay in ‘annual instalments’ or in ‘monthly instalments’.
I’ve been sent a payment reminder. Where can I find more information?
If you log in to your Mijn NS Zakelijk account as a Contact Person, you can see which invoices are still open or partially open and which invoices are past due. To do so, open the ‘Invoice overview’ and check out ‘Payment status’. If you have any questions after reviewing your invoices, please contact our Customer Service.
What is my current payment method? (Only for entrepeneurs)
To check your current payment method, log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk using your contact person credentials. Under the heading 'Company Details’, you will find your current payment method under 'Payment Method'. This can be either ‘bank transfer' or 'direct debit'. For SMEs and Corporates, ‘bank transfer’ is the default payment method.
Ik betaal via handmatige overboeking. Hoe kan ik dit aanpassen naar automatische incasso?
Betaal je via handmatige overboeking, maar wil je liever gebruikmaken van automatische incasso? Neem dan contact op met Klantenservice Zakelijk via 030 300 11 11.
I would like to use Gesplitst Betalen. How is it ensured that the invoice is collected directly from the cardholder?
The cardholder logs in to Mijn NS Zakelijk and orders his Traject op Maat in combination with the service Gesplitst Betalen. During this ordering process, the cardholder agrees to various sets of general terms and conditions, including the NS-Business Card Product Conditions. The cardholder also authorises direct debit.
During the ordering process, the cardholder must check his personal details and bank account number and complete these where necessary.
When will my invoice be debited?
Do you pay via direct debit? Then we will debit the cost of the trips made within about 3 business days after you receive our invoice from your organization's account. If you pay by manual transfer, the payment period is 30 days after receipt of the invoice.
Credit invoice
If you received a credit invoice and NS Zakelijk owes you money, it will be offset against the debit invoice (the invoice you must pay to NS Zakelijk). The difference will be debited from your account. If the credit invoice is higher than the debit invoice, nothing will be debited from your account. The status of the debit invoice will be ‘Open’ in Mijn NS Zakelijk. If your credit invoice is much higher than your average debit invoice, it may be several months before NS Zakelijk actually debits your account. If you do not want to wait, you can submit a ‘payment request’ by contacting our Customer Service. Please mention your debtor number (on the invoice) and the account number to which you would like us to transfer the amount. We will transfer the amount approximately 2 weeks later. Only after all debit invoices have been offset against the credit invoice or your remaining balance has been paid out will the status of the debit invoices be set to ‘Paid’ in Mijn NS Zakelijk.
Hoe wijzig ik mijn rekeningnummer?
Maak je gebruik van automatische incasso, maar klopt het rekeningnummer niet meer? Dit kan je wijzigen in Mijn NS Zakelijk voor contactpersonen onder 'Bedrijfsgegevens'. Achter het rekeningnummer van je organisatie staat de optie 'Rekeningnummer wijzigen'. Na het wijzigen, vragen we je met het nieuwe rekeningnummer €0,01 over te maken ter verificatie.
Hoe kan ik de tenaamstelling wijzigen?
Dit kan je niet zelf in verband met privacy redenen. Neem daarom contact op met Klantenservice Zakelijk via 030 300 11 11.
What is NS Zakelijk's account number (IBAN)?
That is NL59 ABNA 059 084 9875 in the name of NS Groep regarding NS Reizigers.
What is OVpay?
OVpay is checking in and out with a contactless debit card, credit card or mobile. It is part of the national innovation program OVpay in which public transport companies, Translink, the public transport authorities and banks work together. 
From January 31 2023, it will be possible to check in and out with your debit card at NS. This method of payment only applies to travel in second class and without a discount. As a business traveler, you will continue to travel with your NS Business Card. Checking in and out with a debit card is especially convenient for people who travel by public transport occasionally and for tourists. Read more information about OVpay here.
Prevent extra costs   
Avoid accidentally checking in with your debit card and (possibly) paying too much. Remove your NS Business Card from your wallet or phone case when checking in and out. 
Accidentally checked in with your debit card? 
Answer a few questions and we'll tell you if and how you can request a refund. 
What does OVpay mean for travel with an NS Business Card?
As a business traveler, you continue to check in and out with your NS Business Card. So nothing actually changes. OVpay is particularly convenient for people who travel occasionally by public transport and for tourists.
I checked in with my NS Business Card and debit card. What should I do?
You may have overpaid. Answer a few questions and we'll tell you if and how you can ask for a refund.
Viewing and downloading invoices
We will e-mail you your monthly invoice as a PDF around the 14th of the month. If you are your organisation’s contact person, you will also be able to access attachments to the invoice in Mijn NS Zakelijk from that date as well. In these attachments, an invoice breakdown (PDF) and transaction summary (CSV), you will find a breakdown of all trips, transactions and costs.
Waar kan ik de specificaties inzien van mijn facturen?
Wil je de maandelijkse facturen en de bijbehorende specificaties inzien? Dat kan in twee stappen:
  1. Log in in Mijn NS Zakelijk voor contactpersonen.
  2. Ga naar 'Facturenoverzicht' om zo alle facturen en specificaties te bekijken.
Lukt het inloggen in Mijn NS Zakelijk niet? Activeer dan je account en maak een nieuw wachtwoord aan.
When will I get my first invoice?
You will get your first invoice in the month following the month in which your NS-Business Card was activated. If your NS-Business Card was activated on 1-2-2025, you will get your first invoice around 14-3-2025. And if your NS-Business Card was activated on 28-2-2025, you will also get your first invoice around 14-3-2025. This goes for all NS-Business Cards with a season ticket. If you have an NS-Business Card without a subscription, you will get your first invoice in the month after your make your first trip. If you make your first trip on 5-2-2025, you will get your first invoice around 14-3-2025.
How do I know which invoice(s) I still have to pay?
If you sign in as a Contact Person, you can open Mijn NS Zakelijk to see your NS Zakelijk invoices and their payment status. You’ll find this information under the menu item ‘Invoice information’. If you have any questions about your invoice, please contact our Customer Service.
Which period does my invoice cover?
All trips made are invoiced monthly in arrears. If you pay by direct debit, we will debit the amount from your organization's account 3 business days after receiving the invoice. If you pay by manual transfer, the payment term is 30 days after receipt of the invoice.
Payment by direct debit - an example
  • You and/or your employees travel in January
  • The invoice for January follows in February
  • The direct debit takes place approximately 3 working days after receiving your invoice
Payment by bank transfer - an example
  • You and/or your employees travel in January
  • January invoice will follow in February with a payment term of 30 days
  • You pay in March
When we e-mail you the invoice, the first sentence will be: “Here is your NS-Business Card invoice for [month]-[year]”. For example, if it says January 2024, this means that you will be invoiced for all transactions with a date in January 2024. This includes both travel transactions and subscription fees (if applicable in that month). In some cases, you may also find transactions of the previous month.
Ik heb het contract met NS Zakelijk opgezegd, maar ontvang nog wel een factuur. Hoe kan dat?
We will invoice all trips made monthly in arrears. We keep a payment period of 3 or 30 days. This means that you can receive an invoice even after your agreement with NS Zakelijk has been terminated. An example in the case of direct debit:
  • You and/or your employees travel in January.
  • The January invoice follows in February with a payment term of 3 or 30 days.
  • The direct debit takes place either 3 days after receiving the invoice, or in March.
When will my invoice be debited?
Do you pay via direct debit? Then we will debit the cost of the trips made within about 3 business days after you receive our invoice from your organization's account. If you pay by manual transfer, the payment period is 30 days after receipt of the invoice.
Credit invoice
If you received a credit invoice and NS Zakelijk owes you money, it will be offset against the debit invoice (the invoice you must pay to NS Zakelijk). The difference will be debited from your account. If the credit invoice is higher than the debit invoice, nothing will be debited from your account. The status of the debit invoice will be ‘Open’ in Mijn NS Zakelijk. If your credit invoice is much higher than your average debit invoice, it may be several months before NS Zakelijk actually debits your account. If you do not want to wait, you can submit a ‘payment request’ by contacting our Customer Service. Please mention your debtor number (on the invoice) and the account number to which you would like us to transfer the amount. We will transfer the amount approximately 2 weeks later. Only after all debit invoices have been offset against the credit invoice or your remaining balance has been paid out will the status of the debit invoices be set to ‘Paid’ in Mijn NS Zakelijk.
How can I recognise an automatically corrected transaction in the invoice attachment?
Click here to find out more about the Missed Check-out Service. As with a missed check-out that has been corrected manually, we also charge a correction fee for missed check-outs that are corrected automatically. The correction fee is immediately reimbursed on the same invoice. We also charge the fare. You’ll find the following transactions on your invoice: (Debit Invoice) - this is what we charge:
  • The fare of the automatically corrected trip
  • The ‘Correction’ fee: ‘Missed check-out’ on the date of the missed check-out
  • Reimbursement of the ‘Correction’ fee: ‘Missed check-out’ on the date of the missed check-out ‘Train travel’ debit invoice: Debit invoice ‘Correction fees train travel': Credit invoice ‘Correction fees train travel'.
I would like to use Gesplitst Betalen. How is it ensured that the invoice is collected directly from the cardholder?
The cardholder logs in to Mijn NS Zakelijk and orders his Traject op Maat in combination with the service Gesplitst Betalen. During this ordering process, the cardholder agrees to various sets of general terms and conditions, including the NS-Business Card Product Conditions. The cardholder also authorises direct debit.
During the ordering process, the cardholder must check his personal details and bank account number and complete these where necessary.
What is visible on the invoice of Traject op Maat? Only the categories or also the specific number of trips?
The invoice lists only the categories that have been invoiced against.
Can I offset a credit invoice and a debit invoice against each other?
If you’ve set up direct debit, please go to the question "When will my invoice be debited?" on this page. If you pay by bank transfer, you can aggregate your credit and debit invoice and pay the remaining balance to NS. If your credit invoice is higher than your debit invoice and you would like to have it paid out, please contact our Customer Service. Please make sure to mention your debtor number (on the invoice), the invoice number and your account number. You will receive your money within 14 days.
What is my current payment method? (Only for entrepeneurs)
To check your current payment method, log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk using your contact person credentials. Under the heading 'Company Details’, you will find your current payment method under 'Payment Method'. This can be either ‘bank transfer' or 'direct debit'. For SMEs and Corporates, ‘bank transfer’ is the default payment method.
I’ve been sent a payment reminder. Where can I find more information?
If you log in to your Mijn NS Zakelijk account as a Contact Person, you can see which invoices are still open or partially open and which invoices are past due. To do so, open the ‘Invoice overview’ and check out ‘Payment status’. If you have any questions after reviewing your invoices, please contact our Customer Service.
What is the payment status of my credit note?
To find the payment status of your credit note, please our contact Customer Service.
Ik betaal via handmatige overboeking. Hoe kan ik dit aanpassen naar automatische incasso?
Betaal je via handmatige overboeking, maar wil je liever gebruikmaken van automatische incasso? Neem dan contact op met Klantenservice Zakelijk via 030 300 11 11.
Hoe wijzig ik mijn rekeningnummer?
Maak je gebruik van automatische incasso, maar klopt het rekeningnummer niet meer? Dit kan je wijzigen in Mijn NS Zakelijk voor contactpersonen onder 'Bedrijfsgegevens'. Achter het rekeningnummer van je organisatie staat de optie 'Rekeningnummer wijzigen'. Na het wijzigen, vragen we je met het nieuwe rekeningnummer €0,01 over te maken ter verificatie.
Hoe kan ik de tenaamstelling wijzigen?
Dit kan je niet zelf in verband met privacy redenen. Neem daarom contact op met Klantenservice Zakelijk via 030 300 11 11.
Do I pay annually or monthly?
To find out whether you pay annually or monthly, sign into Mijn NS Zakelijk with your Contact Person credentials. After signing in, go to ‘Company details’. Here, you will find a ‘Subscription payment’ tab, which will show you whether you pay in ‘annual instalments’ or in ‘monthly instalments’.
What is NS Zakelijk's account number (IBAN)?
That is NL59 ABNA 059 084 9875 in the name of NS Groep regarding NS Reizigers.
How can I view my NS Flex invoices?
Do you travel with NS Flex and not an NS-Business Card? You can find the invoices of your NS Flex subscription or subscription on balance under the tab 'Payment overview' in Mijn NS. You will see your subscription costs and possibly your travel costs. Log in to Mijn NS to view your invoices.
How much does renting a shared scooter cost?
Renting a shared scooter costs € 0.33 cents per minute, with a starting rate of € 0.75 cents (as of Jan. 1, 2024: € 1). The parking rate is € 0.10 cents per minute (as of Jan. 1, 2024: € 0.15 cents).
How does the price structure of Traject op Maat work?
This is partly determined by the length of the chosen route, in combination with the number of days in the month on which your employee travelled on the fixed route. 
Traject op Maat distinguishes six categories: 0 to 8 travel days', '9', '10', '11', '12' or '13 or more travel days'. In this way the costs are always in proportion to the travel behaviour.
Example for the route Amsterdam Centraal - Utrecht Centraal*.
0 to 8 travel days: € 108.63
9 days travelled: € 130.35
10 days travelled: € 152.08
11 days of travel: € 173.80
12 days travelled: € 195,53
13 days or more travelled: € 217,25
* amounts are excl. VAT
Insight into costs, savings and travel history
In Mijn NS Zakelijk, an organisation’s main contact person will have access to a dashboard (management report) providing insight into distance travelled, the costs of using the NS-Business Cards and the savings your organisation has made by travelling by public transport over a certain period of time. You can download this report.
Is public transport more expensive than driving on my commute?
Public transport, driving or walking & cycling: find the most economical option for you by using our mobility scan:
Discover NS Zakelijk
Tax scope & VAT
Income tax and the Work-related Expenses Scheme (WKR)
What is the Work-Related Expenses Scheme (WKR)?
All employers have to deal with the so-called Work-related Expenses Scheme (WKR), which determines how to levy payroll tax on allowances and benefits in kind offered to employees. In principle, all allowances and benefits in kind that you give your employees are considered wages (in addition to a number of targeted exemptions and nil valuations). However, you can choose to whether to designate individual allowances or benefits in kind as either a wage component or a work expense. For this, in 2024 there is a flat-rate exemption of 1.92% over the first €400,000 of the fiscal wage bill and 1.18% over the amount above that, the so-called free allowance. All allowances beyond this will be taxed with an 80% final levy.
What are targeted exemptions?
Targeted exemptions are a number of specific allowances and benefits in kind. Wages in kind are valued based on market value, which amounts to the invoice amount including VAT. Several types of wages in kind, however, are zeroed out (a so-called ‘nil valuation’), specifically those benefits that are used in whole or in part in the workplace. As a result, these benefits do not count towards the work-related expenses budget. If an allowance or benefit is treated as part of an employee’s wages, the employee must pay tax, which is to be levied by the employer and remitted to the Tax Authorities.
Deducting VAT on business, commuting or private travel expenses
Business travel expenses
You can always deduct VAT on business expenses such as business transportation and business travel.
Commuting expenses
You cannot always reclaim VAT on your commuting expenses, as transportation plans and subscriptions are considered benefits in kind. You can reclaim VAT on subscriptions with a maximum price of € 227 per year. This is lower than the average price of a subscription. This is all governed by the Input Tax Deduction (Exclusion) Decree. It always pays to discuss your situation with your tax advisor.
Private travel expenses
This includes public transport tickets and employees using their private vehicles. Employees using company vehicles for private purposes are subject to VAT rules. For more information, visit the website of the Dutch Tax & Customs Administration or consult your tax advisor.
How can I make the best possible use of the latitude given by tax law?
  • For benefits in kind, all travel by public transport, including private travel (provided there is more than sporadic business use) falls under a targeted exemption. You do therefore not need to use your work-related expenses budget to pay for mobility solutions.
  • You can give the employees who come to work by public transport the same tax-free compensation as employees who come to work by other means and are reimbursed € 0.23 per kilometer, leading to greater equality among staff. This solution only works if your work-related expenses budget allows it.
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