the NS-Business Card. our subscriptions. our mobility platform NS Go. the door-to-door services that the NS-Business Card gives access to.
What do these filters mean?
Less administration because you no longer have separate travel declarations. Extra flexible door-to-door travel with one card. One day the train and OV-fiets are most convenient, the other day the shared car, metro or bus. Pay monthly in arrears via a VAT invoice, suitable for the tax authorities. You do not need to load more balance with the NS-Business Card. No fixed costs, but only pay for the trips you make. No travel = no payment. You can order the NS-Business Card for free.
More about the NS-Business Card Check out all our subscriptions
Log in to Mijn NS Zakelijk for cardholders with your business e-mail address.Go to 'My NS Business Card'. Under 'Directly arrange' you will see a button 'NS-Business Card stolen, lost or damaged? Request a duplicate". Clicking this will automatically block your card. Go through the steps. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the reference number.
Log into Mijn NS Zakelijk .Go to 'Manage cards and cardholders' and search for the cardholder in question. Click on the card number to block and replace the card. Under 'Arrange directly' you will see a button 'NS-Business Card stolen, lost or damaged? Request a duplicate'. Clicking this will automatically block your card. Follow the steps to request a new (duplicate) card until you see the confirmation with the reference number of the order. Your employee will receive the replacement card within 10 working days at the address indicated.
Way of invoicing With the NS-Business Card you receive all trips made on one monthly VAT invoice. With NS Flex, you do not receive an invoice but have the option to create a separate declaration statement without VAT percentages in your My NS account.
Use of shared transport With both cards you can easily use the train, bus, tram, metro, OV-fiets and 'Stallen op rekening'. With the NS-Business Card you can also choose the international train, shared cars and shared scooters. All costs appear afterwards on one invoice.
Costs of card or subscription You can apply for the NS-Business Card and most NS Flex subscriptions for free. Only for Flex Basis and Flex Weekend Voordeel you pay a one-time € 10 administration fee.
€ 32.40 for the ticket € 0.00 fixed monthly costs € 32.40 total monthly costs
€ 19.44 for the ticket € 4.68 fixed monthly costs € 24.12 total monthly cost
More about the NS-Business Card Check out all our subscriptions
A low-cost subscription for travelling 2 to 3 days a week on a fixed route. A flexible fare combined with budget assurance. 40% discount on journeys outside your route, outside peak hours. 40% Samenreiskorting in off-peak hours for 3 fellow travellers. Traject op Maat can be cancelled daily after one month.
Onbeperkt vrij reizen voor alle medewerkers in een collectief contract voor je organisatie. 100% grip op je mobiliteitsbudget: je kosten zijn gebaseerd op het daadwerkelijke reisgedrag van je medewerkers. Het tarief wordt elk jaar herzien. Minimale administratie en geen gedoe met losse declaraties. Een mooie basis voor een duurzaam mobiliteitsbeleid. Je biedt een zeer aantrekkelijke arbeidsvoorwaarde. Zowel woon-werk, zakelijk als privé mogen je medewerkers vrij reizen.
Log into Mijn NS Zakelijk for cardholders and click on 'My NS-Business Card'.Check whether a service is on or off. Good to know: 'on' means you can use the service. You only pay when you actually use the service. If a service is off, ask your employer to turn this service on in Mijn NS Zakelijk for Contact person under 'Manage cards and cardholders' or do this yourself as a enterpreneur.