Administrative convenience
Recognize this? Your colleagues collect receipts, calculate their own travel expenses and fill out various claim forms, such as for home office reimbursements. You check these forms and pay the claims or include them in their salaries. This manual process takes a lot of time that would be better spent on other things. Fortunately, there are tools that significantly reduce this administrative burden for you. With the NS-Business Card, all travel expenses of all colleagues appear on one invoice afterwards. Or choose the total administrative relief of our mobility platform NS Go.
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The convenience of the NS-Business Card
With the NS-Business Card, employees travel by public transport and shared transport from door to door. Without declaring or loading the balance. All travel appears afterwards on a monthly VAT invoice. The card is free and ordering is simple.
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The full package with NS Go
Do you want to go a step further and take your mobility to the next level? Our mobility platform NS Go registers all kilometers travelled by each means of transport. This makes your administration much simpler and you automatically comply with the CO2 reporting obligation.
Discover NS Go
Our subscriptions
For regular train travel, a season ticket can be advantageous. Canceling or switching to another subscription is always possible after the first month.
  • Free NS-Business Card
  • Travel on account
  • No subscription fees
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Dal Voordeel
  • 40% discount on off-peak NS travel
  • 40% discount on weekends + holidays
  • Group travel discount for up to 3 fellow travellers during off-peak hours
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All subscriptions
The NS-Business Card is free. You simply add a subscription to gain extra benefit. Do your employees only travel by train or also with bus, tram or metro? During rush hour or in the off-peak hours?
We have a suitable subscription for every situation.
View all subscriptions
Woman working from home
This is how it works
  • Choose the subscription of your choice You can always switch and each subscription can be cancelled after 1 month.
  • Order the NS-Business Card(s) Fill in the details of your organization and employees.
  • Receive your NS-Business Card(s) The turnaround time is usually 5-10 working days.
  • Start traveling The NS Business Cards are immediately ready for use.
  • Manage your cards and trips easily In My NS Zakelijk you can view invoices, manage trips and modify subscriptions.
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Knowledge and inspiration
Are you already a customer with us and have a question?
Want to know something about the use of the NS-Business Card and subscriptions, an invoice or other topic? We have listed all frequently asked questions and answers.
View frequently asked questions
Want advice from our mobility experts?
Do you have questions about our products and subscriptions or want to learn more about mobility and business travel? Our mobility experts give you advice.
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ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified
Our NS-Business Card services are ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified. This gives you and your organization - as our client - many assurances. We have our certification reviewed annually by DNV to ensure independence.
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