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Frequently asked questions about P+R

If you have a question about Park + Ride, this page provides the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.


Costs and payment

  • How much does parking cost?

    The parking rates for all paid P+R areas can be found on the page P+R Parking rates.

  • Can I pay in cash?

    You cannot pay in cash at the paid P+R sites. You can pay with a Maestro debit card, Mastercard, Visa, VPay, American Express, Yellowbrick, MultiTankCard and Travelcard, up to a maximum of € 50 a time.

Discount for rail travelers

  • When do I get a discount?

    You are entitled to a discount on P+R parking if:

    • you travel by train in the Netherlands the same day. This applies to all carriers (but not to international trips).
    • you use your OV-chipkaart or e-ticket to check in and out (i.e. not your debit card)

    When you exit the parking facility, scan your OV-chipkaart or e-ticket first. Wait for the system to apply the discount and pay.

    If you are parking for more than one day,
    you will still receive the discount, but only if you exit the P+R facility on the same day of your return journey by train.

  • I have not received the traveller's discount

    How annoying! Are you sure you were entitled to a discount? Then ask for money back via this form.

  • I have not reached the daily rate - am I eligible for the traveller's discount?

    No. The traveller's discount is calculated on the basis of the daily rate, not the hourly rate.

  • How many days can I park?

    If you are entitled to a discount, you will receive a discount on your parking costs for a maximum of 3 days (72 hours).