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Book your taxi with DEXTR

Book a prepaid taxi with DEXTR (formerly OV.Taxi) now. Avoid bad surprises later!

All across the Netherlands

Book a taxi wherever you are

Prepay your fare

No bad surprises later: you'll know exactly what to expect.

No distance cap

So travel wherever

How to book a taxi with DEXTR

You can easily book taxi rides in the DEXTR app or on the website (formerly OV-taxi). Taxi rides can be booked throughout the country, including to and from train stations.

Book your DEXTR taxi day and night, on weekdays, during the weekend and on public holidays. You can book taxi rides up to 30 minutes in advance.

Fixed price and prepayment
Pay a fixed fare using iDEAL, Apple Pay or your credit card.We calculate the total fare for the journey based on the shortest route according to the travel planner. That way, you can avoid bad surprises later.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Call DEXTR on 0900-339870 or send an email to You can also visit DEXTR's website.