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We use this website to provide information about the services offered by NS.

We take great care to provide visitors to our site with up to date, correct and comprehensive information. However, inaccuracies can still occur. NS is not liable for any damage resulting from visiting this site or for damages resulting from alteration, inaccuracy or omission in the information provided, including technical failures.

Neither does NS give any guarantees regarding the content of third party websites that are accessible through hyperlinks or other links on our website and accepts no liability with regards to these websites. The copyright on the content, the images, the design and the programming of this website belongs to NS.

NS refers to NS Groep NV or one of its subsidiaries. Our terms and Conditions apply to travel by train.

Prices in the travel planner

The price shown in the Travel planner is the price that you pay with no interruptions, using your OV-chipkaart within 1 peak or off-peak period. You can find the prices for train tickets and season tickets under 'extensive price recommendations' in the travel recommendations on

It is currently possible that the price for a journey with the OV-chipkaart differs from the price of a ticket: if you interrupt your journey for more than 35 minutes. You check in and out between the two parts of your journey. This results in your journey being split into 2 different journeys. As a result, a new boarding fee is charged and the long-distance discount is calculated for the 2 different journeys.

Responsible disclosure

Despite all our precautions and other efforts, it remains possible that situations will arise in which there is a vulnerability in our security: a security leak. Have you discovered a security leak in our system? Then we would like to work with you to find a solution. For this reason, we request that you share this information with us confidentially. Instructions for doing so are provided in the Statement responsible disclosure.