Fake NS e-mails
Sometimes there are e-mails circulating that appear to originate from NS, but that are actually fake. These are known as phishing e-mails and are intended to gather personal details. These e-mails misuse the NS name and logo in order to induce you to click on a link. If you do so, then scammers may gain access to your personal details.
How to recognise a fake e-mail
Cyber criminals are becoming better and better at creating fake e-mails. Even so, they still make mistakes. Common mistakes include:
- The link in the e-mail refers to a website that does not belong to NS
- The salutation is incorrect and the e-mail contains spelling errors
- The offer in the e-mail is simply too good to be true
Beware! Criminals may also be active on social media such as Facebook and Instagram.
Please note: never call a 0900 number listed in an e-mail! NS will never ask you to call a 0900 number, except perhaps the OV-chipkaart hotline number 0900-0980.
Unsure about whether an e-mail has originated from NS?
If you receive an e-mail from one of the following addresses, then you can be certain that it came from us:
- info@email.ns.nl
- info@ov-fiets.nl: mail from OV-fiets
- mail@basebuildermail.com: regular contests
- No-Reply-FinanceCenter.DB@ns.nl: communications about payment reminders
- noreply@email.ns.nl
- noreply@nspanel.nl
- noreply@mail.crowdtech.com: contracted market research agency
- noreply.ns@ns.nl: e-mails in which we ask you to upload digital passport photos
- NS@blauw-survey.com: contracted research agency that carries out research for NS Extra, among other things
- ns@marketresponse.nl
- NS@startonderzoek.nl: Metrixlab, contracted research agency that carries out research about SPOOR, and other things
- nsinternational@mail.nsinternational.nl: communications from NS International
- nsklantenservice@ns.nl
- nszakelijk@emi-group.com: benchmark research for NS Zakelijk
- Pages for which the URL begins with https://webforms.tripolis.com: these are often forms
- Panel members can send questions to ns@mwm2.nl, replies are sent via mailer@mwm2.nl
- passagepas@email.ns.nl
- service-nl@mail.clansmanmail.nl: sending of research-related e-mails
- spoordeelwinkel@email.ns.nl
- support@feedback.satmetrix.com