Expired OV-chipkaart
Has your OV-chipkaart expired? An OV-chipkaart is valid for a period of 5 years. You can find the expiration date for your OV-chipkaart on the card itself. If your card is expired, you will not be able to use it for travel. If you have an NS season ticket, NS will automatically send you a new OV-chipkaart before your current card expires.
OV-chipkaart with an NS season ticket
If your OV-chipkaart is expired and you have an NS season ticket, then NS will automatically send you a new OV-chipkaart. We may ask you to upload a digital passport photo before your current card expires. Please upload the photo on time, otherwise your OV-chipkaart will expire. You can then order a replacement OV-chipkaart at OV-chipkaart.nl.
Due to a technical malfunction, over the past few months a large group of customers have not recieved a notification about the expiration of their OV-chipkaart on time. If you have not recieved a notification from us, and your card is about to expire, please make sure to order a new replacement OV-chipkaart. All of your active season tickets and travel products will be added to your new card automatically. You will also receive a discount for the new card order fee. Contact our Customer Service if your wish to do this.
No automatic card renewal
Do you have an OV-chipkaart with NS Flex Basis, an OV-fiets season ticket, Storage on Account or Kids Vrij? Then NS will not automatically send you a new OV-chipkaart. You will have to order a new OV-chipkaart yourself.
OV-chipkaart without an NS season ticket
Has your OV-chipkaart expired because you did not upload a passport photo on time? Or do you have an expired OV-chipkaart without an NS season ticket? Then you can request a new OV-chipkaart yourself via www.ov-chipkaart.nl. The suggested retail price for a new OV-chipkaart is € 7.50. Does your old card still have a valid season ticket or travel product? If so, then it will be transferred to the new card.
An anonymous OV-chipkaart cannot be renewed, but you may request a refund for the balance on your card.