About our services
Would you like to know about what NS does in the field of train maintenance? Here you can find all of the services and facilities we offer railway carriers based on the Railways Act. We have several maintenance and service locations throughout the Netherlands. If you would like to obtain access to one of these locations, or to take advantage of our services, please feel free to submit a request.
Overview of locations, services, and facilities
Curious about the train maintenance services and facilities provided by NS? Then take a look at the catalogue. It lists the regulated services and tariffs under the Railway Act. You can also view the conditions for provision of that service and/or access to a service facility below. Maintenance and service contracts are concluded with the entity NedTrain. In addition, non-regulated services such as modernisation of trains and internal cleaning can also be provided.
If you have a question regarding NS' train maintenance services and/or facilities, please feel free to contact one of the individuals below:
Maintenance & Service
Harry Douwes
Tel: 06 - 83634326
Mail: materieelonderhoud@ns.nl
Component revision
Bas Wasser
Tel: 06 - 52001868
Mail: ncb@nedtrain.nl
Please submit any questions or complaints about our services to materieelonderhoud@ns.nl.