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Frequently asked questions about track maintenance

View all frequently asked questions about track maintenance here.

Frequently asked questions about track maintenance

  • Can I take my bike on an NS bus?

    No, you may not bring your bike with you on an NS bus. Regrettably, there is no space for bikes.

  • Are NS replacement buses free?

    No, they are not. You need a valid ticket to use rail replacement services such as the NS replacement bus. Taking the NS replacement bus for part of your journey will not increase your overall fare.

    How to check in and out
    Check out when you leave the train and transfer to the bus. There will be a temporary card reader near the bus. Check in before you enter the bus and check out again when you leave the bus.

    If you continue travelling by train after taking an NS bus, please check in and out at the station.

  • Can I get a refund if my trip is delayed?

    When we schedule works, we also update the itineraries and travel time in the Travel Planner. Your travel time may be longer than usual. Because the works are scheduled in advance, we cannot offer a refund if you reach your destination later than usual.

    You are entitled for a refund if your train is delayed by 30 minutes or more relative to the timetable given in the Travel Planner.

  • What if I travel with another carrier?

    Always make sure you have a valid ticket if you travel with another bus or train carrier. We almost always provide alternative transport or travel advice by train. Very occasionally it happens that this is not possible. You can then claim any additional costs via Customer Service.

    Sometimes your NS ticket is valid with another carrier, for example because there are long-term works. We will then make agreements about this with these carriers. If that is the case, you will find information about this at the station or this page.

  • Do I get a discount because I have a season ticket and cannot travel on my route?

    No, you will not receive a discount because it concerns pre-planned work. We provide transport in the form of NS-buses.

Can't figure it out? Please contact our Customer Service.