Engineering works Rotterdam Centraal – The Hague
In 2025, ProRail will be working hard to improve the tracks between Rotterdam and The Hague, as well as various stations in the region. Scroll down to find out what that will mean for your journey. And plan your journey in advance using the Travel Planner.
Engineering works in the Rotterdam - The Hague area in 2025
Throughout 2025, ProRail will be working hard to improve the tracks between Rotterdam and The Hague, as well as various stations in the region. We'll keep you up to date of how these works will affect your journey all year long.
Keep a close eye on this page for the latest information about engineering works. We may update this page from time to time following new information from ProRail.
Advice for travelling during the engineering works
During these periods, take extra crowds into account and travel outside rush hour if you can.
Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 March
No services to or from Den Haag Centraal. Passengers with a valid train ticket can take the E Metro between Den Haag Centraal and Laan van NOI this weekend.
NS replacement buses will run between the two stations early in the morning and late at night.
NS replacement buses will also run between Den Haag Centraal and Den Haag Ypenburg.
Wednesday 12 - Friday 14 March
No services between Rotterdam Centraal and Delft Campus. Only Sprinter services to Den Haag Centraal will run from Delft Campus.
Intercity services to Den Haag HS, Leiden Centraal and beyond will run from Delft.
Travelling between Rotterdam Centraal and Den Haag Centraal? Please travel via Gouda.
Travelling between Rotterdam Centraal and Schiedam Centrum? Please travel via Rotterdam Blaak and take the A, B or C metro line to Schiedam Centrum. You can use your NS ticket on the above mentioned metro lines.
There will be direct buses between Rotterdam Centraal and Delft.
There will be local buses between Schiedam and Delft Campus.
Please note that your NS ticket is not valid on the E metro line.
Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March
No services between Rotterdam Centraal and Gouda. Passengers are advised to travel via Den Haag Centraal.
Metro E during maintenace from 15 February to 2 March
During the weekends of the work at Den Haag Centraal (except Sunday 23 February), your train ticket is valid in Metro E.
During the week, your ticket is not valid in this metro. In that case, travel via Den Haag Hollands Spoor. Unfortunately, the Travel Planner always shows Metro E as travel advice, even if that is incorrect. View the correct travel advice on this page.
Plan your journey in the NS app
Before you leave, plan your journey from door to door in the NS app or the Travel Planner. That way, you're guaranteed to have the most up-to-date travel recommendation. And
- receive notifications about your journey;
- find an estimate of how crowded the train is.
Frequently asked questions
Can I get a refund if my trip is delayed?
When we schedule works, we also update the itineraries and travel time in the Travel Planner. Your travel time may be longer than usual. Because the works are scheduled in advance, we cannot offer a refund if you reach your destination later than usual.
You are entitled for a refund if your train is delayed by 30 minutes or more relative to the timetable given in the Travel Planner.
Do I get a discount because I have a season ticket and cannot travel on my route?
No, you will not receive a discount because it concerns pre-planned work. We provide transport in the form of NS-buses.
Are NS replacement buses free?
No, they are not. You need a valid ticket to use rail replacement services such as the NS replacement bus. Taking the NS replacement bus for part of your journey will not increase your overall fare.
How to check in and out
Check out when you leave the train and transfer to the bus. There will be a temporary card reader near the bus. Check in before you enter the bus and check out again when you leave the bus.If you continue travelling by train after taking an NS bus, please check in and out at the station.
Do you have a mobility problem?
Please be mindful of the following:
- The vertical gap when boarding the bus
- Long walks to and from the bus
- Prolonged standing while waiting for the bus
If NS is running replacement buses and you are in a wheelchair,
you can use our free wheelchair taxi. Call NS Travel Assistance (on 030 235 7822) or chat with NS Customer Service.Are you visually impaired and do you need help?
We will help you get to and from the rail replacement service. Call NS Travel Assistance (on 030 235 7822) or chat with NS Customer Service. -
Do detours cost more?
If you check in and out at the same stations as usual, your trip will cost the same.
Does alternative route means travelling with a different carrier?
You do not have to check in or out with the carrier if we recommend travelling with another carrier due to works. Your trip will therefore cost the same. Your NS ticket also counts as a valid ticket with other carriers.Taking an NS Bus as a rail replacement service
costs the same as regular train travel. We do ask that you check out when you leave the station and check in again when you enter the bus.Are your check in and check out more than 35 minutes apart?
Then you may have to pay more than usual, as the two legs of your trip will be seen as two distinct trips.Paid too much?
Answer these questions to figure out whether you are entitled to a refund.
See all of the Frequently Asked Questions about engineering works.