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Checking in and out when transferring during your journey

Your travel itinerary says that you must transfer during your journey, requiring you to check out and then check in again at the transfer station, as the station is equipped with check-in gates. This may cost you extra if you are travelling on balance or on account, because the system calculates your fare based on the route you actually travel, rather than the shortest route. In that case, you may request a refund for the extra amount paid over the cost for the shortest route.

Requesting a refund

If you have to check out and then check in again during a transfer, then you will be overcharged for your journey if you travel on balance or on account. You can request a refund for the extra amount via NS Customer Service.

You can contact Customer Service via: 

Travelling with an NS-Business Card

If you travel using an NS-Business Card with a Traject Vrij season ticket (when you travel outside your route), or an NS-Business Card with a Dal season ticket, then the extra amount will automatically be corrected on your invoice. 

Not enough money on your balance?

When you check out and then check in again, the card reader will automatically check your card balance to see if you have the minimum amount of € 20 on your card (€ 10 for season ticket holders). We recommend that you add ‘automatic top-up’ to your card, so that you never find yourself locked out of a check-in gate.