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Vrouw checkt NS Reisplanner op mobiele telefoon

Preparing your journey at home

Do you want to prepare your trip in advance? There are several options available. In the NS app, you can plan an accessible journey and check the available facilities at your station. You can also book NS Travel Assistance, where a staff member helps you board and exit the train.

Check accessible journeys in the NS app

All Sprinters and ICNG trains have a sliding step. If the platform is at the right height, you can board and exit independently. The more agile you are with your mobility aid, the easier independent travel becomes.

Can you manage a small height difference? Then boarding and exiting should be smooth. Do you have reduced arm strength or a mobility aid with small support wheels or low footrests? We recommend booking NS Travel Assistance. Easily check your journey in the NS app:

  1. Plan your journey and select "Show only accessible journeys" under Extra options.
  2. Instantly see where you can travel independently and where assistance is needed.

Assistance with boarding, transfers, or exiting 

With NS Travel Assistance, a staff member helps you board and exit the train. You can book NS Travel Assistance in three ways:

  1. Online via NS Reisassistentie
  2. In the NS app
  3. By phone at 030-2357822

To book online, you’ll need a Mijn NS account (one-time registration). NS Travel Assistance is available at most stations.

Travelling with a companion

With an OV-Begeleiderskaart, one companion can travel with you for free on trains, metros, trams, and buses. The card is registered in your name, so you can choose a different companion for each journey. If more than one companion is travelling with you, they will need a valid ticket.

At the station

Which facilities are available at the station for people with a physical disability?

On the train

View the facilities available in the train when travelling with a disability